Breast augmentation is the most requested cosmetic surgery procedure in Thailand.
Breast Augmentation enhances the size, shape, fullness, proportion, and appearance of your natural breasts by the placement of 2 Silicone Gel implants. Surgical techniques, implant shape, size, and profile will differ for everyone, depending on the patient’s anatomy and expectations. Some women opt for round implants while others prefer the tear-drop shape.
Your surgeon will discuss shape,size, and placement with you at the face-to-face consultation. Breast augmentation is a personal choice and there are several reasons a woman might like to have a boob job. It is certain to increase one’s self-confidence and self-image and often popular with women who have had multiple pregnancies and now find themselves with sagging breasts. Genetic issues can also be a factor.
Our plastic surgeons use Motiva or Mentor breast implants